Thai Massage Jivaka was the personal physician of the Buddha and the Indian King Bimbisara. He lived in Rajagṛha, present-day Rajgir, in the 6th–5th century BCE. Sometimes described as the "Medicine King", he figures prominently in legendary accounts in Asia as a model healer, and is honoured as such by traditional healers in several Asian countries. The traditional Thai-Massage is said to be based on this great teacher as well.
Reflexotherapy of the Feet The origins of foot massage therapy date back to ancient India, China and Egypt and even played a role in some Native American tribes. Reflexology was invented at the beginning of the 20th century by Dr. William H. Fitzgerald M.D. and Dr. Edwin F. Bowers in the USA and further developed by Eunice D. Ingham, who assigned the body to the “reflexes” of the feet. One of the most respected experts at the RZT in modern times is Hanne Marquardt, whose findings are used by numerous institutes.